Product Images to your Online Store | MoreCustomersApp

Multiple Product Images

Multiple Product Images feature provides a detailed panorama view of a product. You can set more than one image for a product with different angles and colors so that the customer can know more details about the product. An eye-catching product image is worth more than a thousand words.

Professional-looking and optimized product photos make your products and your store more desirable and engaging in the eyes of your potential customers. A customer would always like to have more than one product image on a product detail page.

Show customers your product from every angle

Your product photos are not there merely for aesthetic purposes, but they’re also your Best Selling Point. Product images are essential for eCommerce stores as they also help shoppers to understand your products better.

Product images on Online store

Gallery Image Sizes

You can upload up to 10 images for a single product. If you add large and heavy images, they are automatically compressed, so your products load fast and fit well on both desktop and mobile. Products look best in a gallery when images appear to be the same size: use a consistent aspect ratio (height-to-width ratio) and orientation for all the images that you add to a product gallery. The same goes for the Product List page too. This way images display better side by side because they all display the same size.

Adding a product image #

1. Login in to MCA Admin App

2. Click on , and select Products

3. Select the product you want to add Images.

4. Click on +Add more images

5.  You can add more than 15 images with different angle or size or color for one product.

6. Upload other images for the same product as in Step 4. All uploaded images are seen under the Basic Detail Tab.

Re- Order Product Images

1. Long Press the image that you want to reorder and slide it accordingly.

2. After that , you will receive the notification of Image Reordered done.

3. View on website before and after effect

Watermark your Product Images #

Placing a watermark on a photo allows you to brand your photos, protect them from theft, and if the photo is isolated from your online store then it can provide a compass for customers to follow to get back to you.

watermark your products

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