How to Sell HomeMade Snacks Online | MoreCustomersApp eCommerce

Top 15 Home Made Snacks to Sell Online

Top 15 Home Made Snacks to Sell Online in India to Keep You Warm This Winter

Winter nights are often spent relaxing with a hot cup of tea and a dish of warming food in front of the fireplace. The ideal snacks are ones that don’t leave feeling hungry and that fulfill all of the desires of consumers at the same time. Because your body needs extra energy to remain warm during those chilly days, we recommend that you try these full and healthful homemade winter snacks that you can sell online on eCommerce website.

How to Sell Homemade Snacks Online?

Selling Online has become easy now. Selling homemade snacks online can be a great way to turn your culinary skills into a business. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Legal Requirements: Before selling homemade snacks, familiarize yourself with the legal and health regulations in your area. Check if you need any permits or licenses to sell food products from your home kitchen. It’s important to ensure that you comply with all the necessary regulations.

2. Define your target market: Determine who your ideal customers are. Consider factors such as age, dietary preferences, and location. This will help you tailor your products and marketing efforts to attract the right audience.

3. Develop a product line: Create a selection of homemade snacks that you want to sell. Consider both popular and unique items that have a good shelf life and can be easily packaged and shipped. Ensure that your snacks are delicious, visually appealing, and well-suited for online sales.

4. Packaging and branding: Invest in attractive and professional packaging that reflects the quality and uniqueness of your snacks. Design a logo and create a cohesive brand identity that represents your business. This will help your products stand out and make a positive impression on potential customers.

5. Set up an online store: Choose a platform to sell your homemade snacks online. Choose ready e-commerce platforms like MoreCustomersApp that provide inbuilt ecommerce features and help you sell not only on your website, but also on google,social media and marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart. Ensure that your online store is user-friendly, showcases your products effectively, and provides a secure payment system.

6. Product photography: Take high-quality photos of your snacks to showcase them on your online store. Use natural lighting and present your products in an appealing way. Consider including different angles and close-ups to highlight the details.

7. Pricing: Determine your pricing strategy by considering your costs, time investment, and desired profit margin. Research the market to understand the price range for similar products. Be competitive but ensure that your prices reflect the quality and value you provide.

8. Shipping and fulfillment: Decide on your shipping methods and carriers. Determine how you will package your snacks to ensure they arrive fresh and in good condition. Set clear shipping policies, including delivery times and any restrictions on shipping to certain locations.

9. Marketing and promotion: Develop a marketing plan to attract customers to your online store. Leverage social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, to showcase your products, share behind-the-scenes content, and engage with potential customers. Consider collaborations with influencers or food bloggers to increase visibility.

10. Customer service: Provide excellent customer service to build trust and loyalty. Respond promptly to inquiries, address customer concerns, and consider including personalized thank-you notes or small freebies with each order to leave a positive impression.

Remember that starting a business takes time and effort. Be prepared to learn and adapt along the way. Continuously seek feedback from your customers and make improvements based on their preferences.

15 Ideas of Homemade Snacks to Sell Online

Here are some of the simple ideas that you can sell home made snacks online to enjoy while the season is still in full swing.

1. Homemade chocolates

When it comes to baking and manufacturing homemade chocolates, why not take your love online and sell chocolates, muffins, cakes, cookies, and other baked goods to customers across the world? After all, there is no better way to gain money than by doing something you like.

2. Protein bars

Protein bars are a fantastic option when you’re craving something to sell online in winters but don’t want to ruin the diet of the consumers by selling something unhealthy. A variety of bar options, including peanut butter bars, oat bars, granola bars, dry fruit bars, and many more, are an excellent way to sell healthily while still pleasing the taste buds. Protein bars are very simple to create at home and are becoming more popular for online sales as a result of the strong demand.

3. Dates Almond balls

Dried dates and almond balls are nutritious and protein-dense snack that is perfect for the winter months. It has a mouth-watering flavor that every child would like since it is enriched with almonds and dates.When administered once a day, it helps to keep the child active and warm. These winter snacks are simple to produce and sell online, and this recipe is no exception.

4. Pickles

Pickles have a unique flavor that enhances the taste of any meal, no matter how bland it otherwise may be. Preparing Home Made pickles is very easy. Right packaging and right marketing will surely help you build your Online Food Business.

5. Khakra

Khakra is a popular Indian ready-to-eat snack dish made of wheat that has been around for centuries and especially in winters. It is well-known for its crisp texture and baked flavor, among other things. Consumed as breakfast or snack food, it may also be included in the main course of a meal. It is a typical Gujarati dish that is well-known across the state of Gujarat and neighboring Indian states.

6. Corn flakes

Corn flakes, one of the most nutrient-dense foods available, are enjoyed as a morning meal in winters not just in India but also in other parts of the globe. They have a really pleasant flavor. Despite the fact that there are a variety of alternative morning cereals available on the market, they have yet to garner widespread acceptance and you can sell them online.

7. Frozen potato flakes

India is a major producer of potatoes and is ranked third in the world.  There is a broad range of uses for potato powder/flakes, particularly in the processed and snack food sectors. It may be used in any recipe that calls for mashed potatoes. You can sell frozen potatoes online in winters to ease the task of the consumers.

8. Apple chips

Apple is one of the most delectable fruits available. Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fruit juice, and other nutrients are included therein and it is very beneficial in winters. By drying apples, it is possible to preserve them in the form of apple chips. Apple chips are quite popular in the market. It is possible to seal it using aluminum foil. Apple chips are a snack item that can be extensively sold online.

9. Banana chips

Snack foods have grown very popular among people of all ages in India, and their popularity is increasing on a daily basis. Banana chips have been more popular in recent years, despite the fact that a wide range of snack foods are already accessible at affordable rates. Banana Chips are a famous snack that is enjoyed especially in winters.

10. Frozen Potato fries

Potato fries are one of the most profitable potato products on the market. In addition to being the most abundant processed potato, it can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes including lattice cut, wedges, curly, batter-dipped, seasoned, and straight cut. Including potato fries on your online menu is one of the most straightforward ways for businesses to increase sales and profits during winters.

11. Potato Wafers in a variety of flavors

Potatoes are extensively used as a food source especially in winters.  Chips made of potatoes are mostly utilized as snacks in most cases. They are made by rapidly dehydrating potato slices in hot oil, which is applied directly to the slices. This crispiness, along with its exceptional palatability, makes it a favorite among individuals of all ages.  You can include this in your menu to sell online.

12. White oats

Products made from white oats and processed oats White oats are becoming more popular in modern-day eating habits in winter, owing to the fact that they contain no cholesterol as a basic diet. It has the most protein of all cereal grains. Selling white oats online can make your business profitable.

13. Sesame Seeds Bars

Sesame seeds are one of the oldest and most known seeds, full of nutrients. Many states use these seeds to make different kind of snacks. Sesame seeds when mixed with different ingredients like peanuts, chocolate, fruits, nuts, etc. gives a mouth smacking taste. Use these widely available low cost seeds, and make a healthy snack item to Sell on your Online store and attract more customers in winter.

14. Ground nut Chiki

Chiki’s are most delicious and demanding item among customers in winters. This nut not only gives warmth but is pack with lot of nutrients. Make Home Made chikis and sell snacks online. Today there are many eCommerce Website Development companies that would help such businesses to start their business online. 

15. Roasted Dry Fruits

Flavored, Roasted or Plain. You can eat nuts anyway you want it. Get creative and give your nuts a twist that is a huge hit among your customers. Pack a bag of nuts and sell as you want.

How to Sell online in India?

MoreCustomersApp an eCommerce Website Builder Platform is well equipped with all essential eCommerce features. With in-Built Website Theme Editor you can change the layout of your website as per season or discounts you want to offer. Product Variation is another feature which you can use to give more buying options to your customers. Multiple Payment Solution and integrated Shipping gateway are another excellent features. Along with these features there are many more eCommerce plugins that you can use to create your Online Snacks Store.


Nature has its own method of keeping the body warm on its own terms. The market is brimming with fresh vegetables, take advantage of the abundance that is available during this season and sell homemade snacks online. Since snacks are quick to eat and even quicker to prepare, they are ideal for the upcoming frigid winter days that we will be experiencing.  If you are unsure of what you can sell this winter, don’t deprive yourself, and try out the snacks listed above.

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