Importance of eCommerce Funnels for Business | MoreCustomersApp

Importance of eCommerce funnels in your Business Plan

importance of eCommerce funnels in business plan

eCommerce funnels are now an important part of your business. An eCommerce funnel essentially connects the marketing funnel and sales funnel. If you are running a business, you will need a funnel that converts the visitors to customers. A funnel is the process of the customer from finding the product to buying it. There is a popular funnel strategy called AIDA.

  • A for Awareness
  • I for Interest
  • D is for the Desire
  • A is for the Action

The funnel first makes the customer aware of the product and then makes them interested followed by the desire to buy the product. When the customer takes the action and buys the product, the funnel will keep track of every move. You can see at which stage the customers left and measure the success rate in a very efficient way. With this, you can also find out fault in your process (if any). There is detailed analytics available for you.

The eCommerce Website Development funnel work as a bridge between marketing and sales objectives. It helps you bring quality leads that convert to potential customers and customers. Once customer like your product, they are definitely going to recommend it to others and becomes Brand Ambassador of your products.

Read the complete article from Cloud Ways Blogs


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