7 Basic SEO Techniques That Everybody Can Do

7 Basic SEO techniques that Everybody Can Do.

Basic Techniques of SEO

Let’s Understand What is SEO exactly? 

In this article, we are going to explain SEO Techniques which helps your eCommerce Store in generating organic search.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization ( Search engines are google, bing, yahoo and so on ). SEO is a process where you can Optimize your website in the search engine on some specific keywords relevant to your business. With the help of SEO, you can increase the Quality & Quantity of Traffic on your website. SEO is a very effective process where you can generate organic traffic

Note: organic traffic means generate traffic without paying 

SEO is very essential for eCommerce Store on Store level or Product Level where you can define your Product with proper or relevant Content where you can use primary keywords ( which we will discuss in detail ). 

Advantage of SEO

What basic steps you should do for better SEO for Small Business

1. Keyword Idea

Let’s Understand 1st SEO Techniques

Keyword Idea is where you can find Keywords relevant to your Business & find how many people are searching for that keyword in a day.

Let’s see in detail from an example: Suppose your cloth shop is located in Ahmedabad & your keyword is  “cloth shop in Ahmedabad”.

In the below screenshot you can see keyword suggestions related to your search or Business with their volume & Competition. Along with the city, you can use product name, material or any special specification if your product has. 

There is a tool keyword everywhere that will help you in keyword research. 

Click on how to do keyword research and Know more processes and tools of keyword research.  

Keyword research using keywordd everywhere tool

Now where you can use the primary keyword in your eCommerce Website 

  1. In URL of your Website
  2. In the title of your website
  3. Description of your website or page
  4. In the heading of your website
  5. Or Body [Content of Your Website]

 2. Google Business Listing

If you want to make your eCommerce website or business more visible in local search then you should list your business on Google Business Listing with proper detail like Address, Pin, Pictures of Store, category or services. 

You can see how your business profile will look like in Google Business. 

Add your business in google my business

3. Directory Submission

It one of the best way for backlink building which is very helpful for Website SEO. Directory submission is defined as the practice of submitting your website URL and its details on the web in a directory under a particular category. 

Now Question is how you can find directories for Submission. It is very easy, you can see in the below image. There are websites which will give you a list of business directories where you can submit your business

Business Directories List

4. Meta Tags

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content; these tags will not appear on the page, but only in the page’s code. We all know tags from blog culture, and meta tags are more or less the same thing, little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.

Is meta tags help in SEO? Yes but not all of them or not all the time. Sometime metatags tell the search engine about the page. Meta tags are very beneficial for users. When your website will come in search engine after searching your primary keyword at that time user will get the Idea about your website from your meta tags if it will be relevant to their query then the user will click or visits your website.

Always make a good habit to write good, relevant or Attractive title & description for Your eCommerce Website. In MoreCustomersApp you can add Metatags on website level or product level. Product level Metatags which best for eCommerce Store because you can optimize each and every product in search engine 

How your metatags looks in google search

If you have an eCommerce Store & you want to make SEO friendly then you should manage Metatags in Website or On Products. Let see a demo of one of Our Client how he Managed Metatags with help of MoreCustomersApp. 

Add matatags in MoreCustomersApp and how it appear in google search

In the above image, you can see how Google is showing their website when it is searched by a keyword. And in the below image, you can see how they added metatags on the website. 

Metatags Management in MoreCustomersApp

5. Image Optimization

Image optimization is very essential for SEO as the search engine does not know about your images that are on your Store/Website.

So how do we optimize images that results in better SEO? It is very easy to do the following steps and 

optimize images.

  • Name Of image: Write the proper name of the image, Name Should be relevant to your image. Try to avoid names like image1, image2, 123, abc & all. 
  • Alt tag: Don’t miss alt tag in your image. Alt tag uses when your image will display because of some reason at that time alt text will display so the user will know what image could be. 
  • Description of image: Describe more about your image
  • Size of image: Always try to add the appropriate size of the image   

6. Social Media 

Make a good social media profile for your business. Always try to upload your new product, business, Discount & anything new is coming. keep engagements to your customers & keep updating your Social Media Profile. 

Create Facebook Business Page

Above Screenshot is only for Facebook, You should manage all social media like Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and whatever you are using. 

7. Content sharing

Last SEO Techniques not the least

Content is the best tool for SEO. Search engines most of focusing on Content, What content you wrote about your products or for your user. How You used Your targeted keywords in Content. Might be every eCommerce Store can not write blogs or 1000 characters content. Don’t feel nervous you can write a piece of content 150-200 characters and continues share on Social media. Content should be unique in every post.

How you can write proper content? 

  • Use a proper title and try to target your dream Keyword
  • Write detail About topic which is helpful for readers and use your keywords 
  • Mention link of your website in Content
  • Highlight Most useful word or which is you want to show

Note: Make your content user-friendly where users can find meaning in content. Do not use more keywords that decrease the quality of content.


We have discussed basic SEO TECHNIQUES that are beneficial for eCommerce Store or any online website that wants to drive traffic on their website without paying.

if any eCommerce Store owners want to do SEO on their online store no need to of expertise in SEO. Just follow the above steps & can do basic SEO. MoreCustomersApp Provides Inbuilt feature of SEO not all but some features like Social Media & Meta tags on Store Level or Product-Level. Read how to scale your business with SEO TECHNIQUES. 


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